Our natural sisal soap saver bag works amazingly to exfoliate your skin. When you keep your goat milk soap bar in this bag, you can use every bit your soap to the last sliver! Hang it to dry after your shower and allow it to air dry to extend the life of that amazing soap!
Sure, your Cattywampus Acres goat milk soap is great soap by itself, but wouldn't you like a better scrub and a longer lasting bar?? Of course you do! That's why a sisal soap saver bag is right up your alley! Complete the full goat milk soap experience with our sisal scrubber bag.
A sisal soap saver bag will allow you to use your goat milk soap down to the last speck of sudsy goodness! When you finish your cleaning routine, hang up your bag, let it dry, and you will get far more life from your goat milk soap.